How to Start Investing in Stocks: An Entrepreneur Teaches Investing Basics

Teri Ijeoma learned how to start investing as a side hustle. In time--with some trial and error--she was able to quit her job and travel the world thanks to investing.

Like any great entrepreneur, she saw a need while having conversations about investing…

Recognizing that need and acting on it turned into a hugely successful company.

Today on the Dream Life is Real Life Podcast, Teri shares her story about how investing and teaching the basics of investing changed her life.

Learn how a couple of photos she added on Instagram while traveling and teaching abroad helped jumpstart her investing training when she got back home.

Want some Investing 101 for inspiration? Find out how investing is a lot like having a lemonade or concession stand. Teri also gives some great tips and lessons she discovered while learning how to start investing.

Like what to do after you realized you just lost $26K…

Yes, you could learn a lot about yourself when trading stocks.

So if you have a stock portfolio, are curious how to invest money to make money, or simply want to hear the story of how one entrepreneur took a great idea and ran with it, this episode of DLRL has got something for you. Let’s get started!


Stock Trading Secrets to Reach Financial Freedom with Teri Ijeoma


How to Believe in Yourself When Your Family Doesn't | Interview With Teri Ijeoma, Founder, Trade and Travel